Hi folks
Updating this weblog is very time consuming. I just spent the past two hours trying to get some photo's loaded'. It has told me 3 times that it worked but I can't see them so no idea. As for spelling and editing I'm not checking what i type... it costs $5 euro/hour to use the web so I'm typing very fast and not checking - bad i know but hay i'll type less from now and try harder on the spelling...
Okay loading one photo at a time works - you can work out where I might be in the photo to the text earlier
There was (an old) a newish woman who lived in a shoe who had an recumbant that Aldo didn't know what to do etc etc etc
Glad to see you are having such a good time, very envious but warmer.. Keep up the good work!
Patience is attracting a lot of attention here - I tried to visit the M5 workshop but it was shut..
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