So some of you already know about the interviewed for ABC Local Radio 720 for the segment called 6 degrees of seperation... now i have to tell you the url so you can listen and enjoy or laugh....
now with a bit of technical luck the link below will work.... but you need realplayer to listen
now some info on how the interview was done and where i was. I road to a small town on the south coast called Vik. Loverly ride, very flat just rolling along, ocean on my right, large green mountains around 500metres high on my left... but then reality bites! The 1st hill climb only around 10%... i make it up without walking but i did stop.
Mountain climbs are fine but i prefer them 1st thing in the morning not after i have riden 75kms, when i expecting to only ride 60kms for the day and mostly if i have managed to eat some lunch for the day....but not today i climb very hungry... at this point i knew that there would be a 2nd climb just b4 Vik and sure enough i have a 12% climb. Its around 3pm in arvo and i`m shaking from lack of food when i have to do this climb... neqdless to say i don´t make it and have to walk the bike up the 1km climb.
On the positive side of a hill climb like this is the down hill ride and in this case it was a hoot all the way into the small village of Vik. Here i ask tourist info if the ABC could ring me the next day to do an interview on their phone. And it is the responce i get that is one of the things that has made me fall in love with the Icelandic culture and people... I`m without hesitation given the number to the info office and told to get the ABC to call at 10am, they will let me use their main office so its quiet....
I arrive at info the next day and the interview goes well. I have finally found an internet cafe that is tooled to let me hear the interviewand i have decided that Justine Kelly has donea wonderful job of notmaking me sound like a dork....
Now Vik is a loverly village, with black sound beaches, mountians to climb with magistic panarama of a glacier, sea stacks and best of all a bus depot;;; now why a bus?
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