So what have i been up too? Well apart from riding to work 25kms (one way) 3 times a week, swimming or at least trying to twice a week, kyaking on Saturdays actually again this is trying to and my usual Sunday bike ride with mates, i go to work... Lucky for me in the past 3 months i have managed to travel for work... I'll be loading some photos on my works trips soon once i work out how to use iPhoto....
Yes in my spare time I have upgraded the PC to an Apple iMac... Its a big change but apparently learning new skills at my age it good for me... I just hope i don't have a major mental meltdown through the process of learning new things...
So when did i get the time to go to Donnerly River? On the 18-19 November... jumped in the car, loaded the bike, had dinner with Al Gore the night before - dinkum! And aarrived at the loverly Donnerlly River camp at around 8.30am....
My cycling mates had taken off for a walk along the walk trail. Now to tell you how capable Patience is I took off after them.. Nothing could stop her... even with slicks... ok the 1 metre diamiter tree across the track did... but one huge lift and I had the bike over the log with only minor bruses....
A group dinner was prepared... and as you can see from the photos we had some local visitors to the dinner...
The next day the group road into the local town of Nanup for breakie and coffee. The usual splinter group formed, with those on mountain bikes opting for the mountain bike track and those on bents taking the road.. It was a great ride, little traffic and cool ish.... but it got hotter and the ride back up a hill around 8% was a lot of work, even without touring luggage...
But alas it was now sunday arvo and time to drive the 4 hours home... It was a great weekend and must happen again soon...
Seems you have figured out how to use the camera. Love the shot of the bird.
Good to hear that you were able to do the kyaking. When you say 'trying to go kyaking' is this due to a lack of time or skill?!
Have a great Christmas and all the best for the New Year.
Oh.. the photos are really nice.
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