The tailend of January saw me at the 'Day on the Green' concert at the Sandleford Winnery in the Swan Valley. It was a scorcher of a day 42 degrees - needless to say I didn't get to the all day concert until sometime after 5pm - I had been on a 70km bike ride in the morning and need to have some time out of the sun and heat. I met up with friends and we found a cool spot in the shade under a gum tree... the only sad bit was we couldn't see the stage - but we did get to hear the music...
The 1st band we heard was the Church - don't ask me to tell you what they sing... It was great and took me back to the late 80's. Next up was Paul Kelly. The non Australian readers may want to do a Google seach on Paul - bit of an icon in the Oz music seen. This was fantastic and it had cooled enough to move to the stage area.. Paul doesn't sign dance music, but ballads about Oz and life they are very special...
The last band was the Pretenders from the USA... I had forgotten what they sang, but once they started it all come flooding back... As they started a cool change begain adn one hell of a thunder storm... It was very impressive and fitted the dance music... the only problem the storm and lightning was right over the stage.. And frankly being on a metal stage with electric equipment, with lightning above you is not such a good strategy. Needless to say the organisers were rightly worried that the main act would get killed! so after 45 minutes the band was told to stop playing until the storm had passed... It went down like a tonne of bricks with the audance and the band - but I think it was the right idea.. I didn't stay until they started to replay it was already 11pm, raining and there was work in the morning..
Top gig the I wish I had thought of getting photos somehow of the lightning... these photos have been lifted from the www..
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