
I was lucky to travel to Broome for work in February. The Kimberley has two seasons known as either "The Wet" or "The Dry".
The difference is generally self explanatory.
The Wet (September - April) is wet, steamy, thunderstorm, cyclones, humidity, hot, very hot and sometimes extremely hot (especially when standing next to 1.5MW gas engine inside a sea container in full PPE), limited tourists and may locals have gone on holiday's in the south. It is also the peak time for energy production due to the air-con needs.
The Dry (May - August) is the complete opposite. It is the Dry, late June to be specific that I, my cousin and two German friends I met on the way to Iceland in 2006 will be riding from Broome to Kununurra (18-days). More about this trip soon......
In between catching up with friends, 3 meetings & my 5th 'Al Gore' Climate Change presentation I managed to take some photos of the landscape.
Hey Fleur,
Enjoy both the stories and photos of your travels.....particulary like the 'painterly' quailty of the photo showing the 'road in the wet season'. Reminds me of a photo taken on French Island during a HPV group ride in February on a wild weekend ride where most of the party stayed in the buildings of the Eco Farm [ once a jail/prison ]
Hi John
Thanks for the comments... I've just managed to load photos from my July Kimberley trip... I still have more to load and write... You may find the images interesting...
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