I can't remember but for some reason we decided to get up very early today (1st July Tuesday) Uwe alarm sounded at 4.50am. It was dark when I got out of my tent, but watching darwn arrive was something one can never forget... the stars slowly fading as the horizon lightens from dark black, dark blue, light blue, pink, red yellow sun. At the same time the air changes from cold (4-degrees) to 10, then 20 and finally 20 degrees by noon.
Today after 5kms we found the 1st creek crossing. We stopped and had a bath in what was clear water that soon became very muddy. Riding in the morning wet and cool was wonderful. WE soon became dry and dusty. AT times we had to puch the bikes through the deep sand... not very long bits, but still ard work. Its easier to walk the bike than try to ride... the stop starting is more tiring than just walking the 100metres or so.
We arrived at our second water crossing when a white 4x4 from Fitzroy stopped and out jumped Steve! What a surprise. Better still he came with fresh food. He had managed to convince the local dective to drive him out to meet us. WE all had a cuppa and eat food. Great memory. They told us the road got better, then very good and then the last 10kms is bad. They also told us about a water hole we could swim in aobut 28kms down the road.
We headed out, refreshed from our cuppa to tackle the road. We made it across the water crossing it was deep!. The next best part of the road was what the locals call a savana! What hoot - fast, fast riding, on flat no lumps road! I was having a ball for about 10kms.. the afternoon sun behind us and for a change no wind! Then we arrived in small rolling hills where the road was again rough, corrogations and a little sandy. Again a car stopped and gave us cool water.
We kepted going, keen to get to the waterhole. WE road through rolling hills on a windy road, it was loverly, with boabs lining the road. the last 10kms was hard, we were tired, but soon the turn-off to the old Oscar Hills Mine was there and we road in. A couple of campers told us were the water hole was and also were to see some rock art the next day. WE all parked our bikes, stripped off and walked into the cold, waist deep water. Was a treat. We set up camp above the water hole and lit a wonderful fire. A couple of America campers joined us and gave us each and ice cold beer :)
Great day 50kms all on dirt
2nd July Wednesday
Again we got up early in search of the rock art. We found the cave and enjoyed the view from the high rock outcrop. We only had 10kms to ride, but it was hard, sand stopping us every few 100metres and having to walk the bikes. WE came upon a heli-muster which was exciting. Then a guy in ute offered to drive us to the main road, but we only had 5kms to go and wanted to finish the road.
Getting to the main sealed Fitzroy Crossing road was such a treat! WE had a cuppa, food and tipped our extra water over ourselves. We pumped up the tires and sms Steve we were 43kms out of town. The ride in was hard, hot and into a very strong headwind. WE road in single file, me first, followed by the mountain bikes. At a low point, when I was feeling sorry for myself a 4x4 with government plates stopped and offered us water. It was drien by Trevor from WAHPV! What a hoot! Trevor was working on a research project at Fossil Downs Station and had recogonised my bike. It was great to chat. Briget and Uwe now thinking Australian is really a small place... Trevor gave us more water and help improve my mood to keep riding into the head wind.
Then just as we ere riding up the only hill in days! Stu stopped and gave us cold water... We then rolled into Fitzroy Crossing and kept going, across the 1st bridge on the bike path :) then the 2nd bridge again on a bike path and rolled into the Crossing Inn with Steve waiting for us on the steps. Bundaburg Ginger Beer and hot chips for all!
Steve had a great camping spot under the shade of a few trees. It was Steve's birthday so we had a wonderful dinner
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